Change of Climate in Taxation – Extended Responsibilities for Tax Advisers?– CFE Professional Affairs Conference to be held on 22 November 2013 in Milan

Recent initiatives against “harmful tax practices” are moving existing legal tax structures into a grey area, entailing a loss of legal certainty for taxpayers and advisers. New responsibilities for advisers are under discussion, which not only question the traditional role of tax advisers but also pose a risk to their businesses.


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Model Taxpayer Charter - Statuto dei Diritti e dei Doveri del Contribuente, Cooperazione con il Fisco tra Tax Governance e Tax Compliance

Tre associazioni professionali (CFE, AOTCA e STEP), rappresentative di oltre mezzo milione di consulenti fiscali nel mondo, hanno predisposto un Modello di “Statuto dei Diritti e dei Doveri del Contribuente”...


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