Cooperative Compliance: The Italian Framework

Pubblicato su: TPWeek

On May 26 2017 the Italian regime on cooperative compliance was further clarified by the Italian Revenue Agency (IRA or tax administration) by virtue of a new regulation (provvedimento). Antonella Della Rovere and Federico Vincenti of Valente Associati GEB Partners explain.

The Italian framework of cooperative compliance has been built since 2014, when it was envisaged by law as part of a set of measures to establish a fairer, more transparent and growth-oriented national tax system.

Scarica (In Inglese)

Disallineamenti da Ibridi con Paesi Terzi: Nuove Regole contro l’Elusione Fiscale

Il Consiglio europeo ha adottato una direttiva che regolamenta i disallineamenti da ibridi limitatamente ai Paesi terzi.
In particolare, la nuova direttiva prende le mosse dalla consapevolezza che anche i contribuenti dell’Unione europea impegnati in strutture transfrontaliere che coinvolgono Paesi terzi beneficiano dei disallineamenti da ibridi per ridurre le imposte complessive dovute nella UE, con la conseguenza che si avverte l’esigenza di contrastare anche tali forme di disallineamento.
Le forme di disallineamento da ibridi nell’ambito dell’Unione europea sono già state, invece, disciplinate dalla direttiva n. 2016/1164/UE.


Valente Associati GEB Partners "Italy Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year" by International Tax Review

Dear All,

We are pleased to inform you that Valente Associati GEB Partners was bestowed the award for:

Italy Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year

by International Tax Review in ITR European Tax Awards 2017 held in London on May 18th.

This award recognizes our unique and innovative performances in one of the most challenging areas today - Transfer Pricing.

We commit to continue devoting all our passion and efforts to our Clients, delivering the most extraordinary and efficient solutions and proactively tailoring our performance to their needs.

For the full list of winners, cf. (link)