Valente Associati GEB Partners "Italy Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year" by International Tax Review

Dear All,

We are pleased to inform you that Valente Associati GEB Partners was bestowed the award for:

Italy Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year

by International Tax Review in ITR European Tax Awards 2017 held in London on May 18th.

This award recognizes our unique and innovative performances in one of the most challenging areas today - Transfer Pricing.

We commit to continue devoting all our passion and efforts to our Clients, delivering the most extraordinary and efficient solutions and proactively tailoring our performance to their needs.

For the full list of winners, cf. (link)

Flat Tax: il Nuovo Regime per Attrarre i Ricchi

Pubblicato su: Legal - maggio 2017

Il regime di cui all’art 24 bis del Tuir è stato introdotto con la finalità di offrire un trattamento fiscale vantaggioso sui redditi di fonte estera alle persone fisiche che trasferiscono la propria residenza fiscale in Italia.
Si tratta pertanto di un regime fiscale speciale, ideato per quei contribuenti che producono redditi all’estero di una certa consistenza, considerato anche l’importo dell’imposta sostitutiva applicata.


Italy: Changes to the TP Framework

On April 24 2017, a new law decree (N. 50/2017) introduced changes to the Italian transfer pricing framework. Antonella Della Rovere and Federico Vincenti from Valente Associati GEB Partners look at the changes.

In a nutshell, the Italian provision on transfer pricing (art. 110 para. 7 of the Italian Income Tax Code) was amended to clearly and definitively encompass the principle of open market conditions.

Scarica (In Inglese)