Audits and Assessments in Transfer Pricing Matter Italian Tax Authorities’ Powers and Taxpayer’s Rights

The Italian Tax Authorities, within the context of both of its military and civil roles, have been endowed with the right to carry out various kinds of inspections having the purpose to check and identify possible evasion or avoidance transactions, that might have been carried out by taxpayers.

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Transfer Pricing Documentation: OECD Guidelines and Italian Tax Reform

Il legislatore italiano ha prestato particolare attenzione agli sviluppi che si sono registrati, a livello internazionale, sul versante della lotta all’evasione e all’elusione fiscale. Le indicazioni OCSE in tema di documentazione nel transfer pricing sono state recepite nell’ordinamento nazionale con la Legge di stabilità 2016, che ha introdotto specifici obblighi di rendicontazione Paese per Paese a carico delle imprese multinazionali.

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How the Apple Settlement reflects Italian Focus on TP (including Valente Associati GEB Partners’ Contribution to the Feature)

Published in: TP Week
Date: 12.01.2016

“Never before has the international tax arena assumed such relevance,” said Piergiorgio Valente, managing partner of Valente Associati GEB Partners. “International and European tax policy have contributed to a change of behaviours, with an impact that affects both tax authorities and taxpayers.”


A 2016 “Look-Ahead” – BEPS Implementation to Dominate International Tax Landscape in 2016 (including Valente Associati GEB Partners’ contribution to the feature)

Published in: International Tax Review’s December/January double issue

With the final deadlines for the OECD’s BEPS Project falling at the end of this year, 2016 was always going to be a year dominated by questions about implementation. While BEPS-related activity is not the only issue on the horizon, that alone will ensure multinationals are kept busy over the next 12 months. Joe Stanley-Smith and Matthew Gilleard look through the peephole to analyse taxpayer hopes, fears and expectations for the year ahead.


Critical Issues and Future Prospects to Counter Base Erosion through Profit Shifting (BEPS): Status Report

International transparency and cooperation within the tax arena are two fundamental principles that have become increasingly significant in the past few years and, as a consequence, the pressure exerted on non-cooperative States has been rising and so has the will to enhance the automatic exchange of information.


Premio Internazionale Le Fonti - CEO Summit 2015 & Awards

Published in: Harvard Business Review

Grande Successo per la V Edizione del Premio Internazionale Le Fonti - CEO Summit & Awards, il riconoscimento di riferimento dell'eccellenza italiana legale e imprenditoriale celebrata l'11 e il 25 giugno a Palazzo Mezzanotte, sede di Borsa Italiana a Milano.

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