Arbitration Convention 90/436/EEC: Inapplicability in Case of Serious Penalties

Author: Piergiorgio Valente

A tool for settling transfer pricing controversies is the EU Arbitration Convention No. 90/436/EEC. If a double taxation in transfer pricing occurs, the enterprise may submit its case to the competent authority of the state in which it resides...


Italian Guidance on Choosing the Appropriate Transfer Pricing Method

In Circular No. 58/E of December 15, 2010, the Italian tax authorities clarify how to determine the proper transfer pricing method. In line with new international guidelines, the tax authorities in some circumstances grant the same status to income-based methods as with traditional methods, overcoming prior rigorous interpretative approaches.


Italy - Introduction of The Deemed Residence Rule and International Tax Planning

L'art. 35 co. 13 del DL 223/2006 (conv. in L. 248/2006) aggiunge i co. 5-bis e 5-ter all'art. 73 del TUIR in materia di residenza delle società e degli enti. Viene, in tal modo, introdotta una presunzione legale relativa con "sostanziale inversione dell'onere della prova" in capo alle società estere il cui controllo risulti riconducibile, anche indirettamente, a soggetti IRES italiani. 


EU Enlargement: Update on Candidates

La Commissione europea, terminato il quinto processo di allargamento (oggi l'UE conta 27 Paesi membri), nella Comunicazione Com(2006)649, illustra l'andamento della strategia politica spiegando che "l'allargamento ha mostrato il suo valore durevole (...) contribuendo alla pace, stabilità e sviluppo democratico in tutto il continente".  Tra gli Stati che ufficialmente sono candidati all'adesione attualmente figurano Turchia, Croazia ed ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia

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The New San Marino-Italy Tax Treaty

In data 21.3.2002,  tra la Repubblica di San Marino e l'Italia, è stata firmata una convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni. La firma può essere vista come un passo avanti nelle relazioni tra i due Stati e come un risultato della campagna internazionale intrapresa dall'OCSE contro la concorrenza fiscale dannosa.


Italy: New CFC Legislation

New provisions concerning the taxation of income generated by Controlled (CFC Legislation) have recently been introduced. Indeed, two different bills of law were presented to Parliament on 15 November 1999 and 15 march 2000. The latter was approved, with certain amendments, by the Senate on 5 July 2000 and by the Chamber of Deputies on 4 October 2000 and was finally included in the Law N. 342 of 21 November 200, which has been published in Official Gazette N. 276 of 25 November 2000.


The New Italy-US Tax Treaty

A new treaty between the United states and Italy (hereinafter: the new treaty) was signed in Washington on 25 August 1999 by the Italian Ambassador Ferdinando Salleo and the Deputy Assistent Secretary to US State Department for Western Europe James Gadsen. The new treaty will replace the one signed on 17 April 1984, which has been in force since 30 December 1985. 
