Strategic Partnership with European Parliament

In October 2019, CFE Tax Advisers Europe celebrated its 60th Anniversary under the high patronage of the European Parliament, with a series of events, including a General Assembly, the inaugural Global Tax Advisers Platform conference and technical committee meetings held in Torino, Italy, on 3 and 4 October 2019, hosted by the Italian member organisations of CFE - Associazione Nazionale Tributaristi Italiani (ANTI) & Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (CNDCEC).
The CFE Tax Advisers Europe was honoured to receive the patronage of the European Parliament of its 60th Anniversary, confirming the close links between the objectives of CFE’s initiatives and the values of the European Union.

Published in: Living CFE - Tax Advisers Europe - July/December 2019


Au fil des années, la CFE est devenue un interlocuteur privilégié au sein des institutions européennes

L'IEC est membre d'un certain nombre d'organisations internationales qui lui permettent de représenter les intérêts de ses membres au niveau international et au sein de différentes institutions, mais aussi d'échanger de nombreuses informations et de se préparer ensemble à l'avenir. L'IEC est membre de la CFE spécifiquement pour les conseils fiscaux, car elle est l'organisation européenne défendant ces professionnels. Le président de la CFE a accepté de répondre à nos questions pour nous en dire un peu plus sur la CFE, comment elle défend la profession et pourquoi il est important pour nous conseils fiscaux d'être membres.

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Countering BEPS Through Transfer Pricing Documentation

Published in: European Taxation June 2014

In today’ s globalized economy, transfer pricing plays a key role. Over the years, as multinational corporations expanded their business at the global level, they were able to optimize their supply chain, hence increasing their profits boosting, overall, economic growth. This has, however, also created market distortions, which have increasingly brought transfer pricing and the related policies adopted by multinational businesses to the attention of the tax authorities. 
A fundamental issue in the implementation of transfer pricing regulations is asymmetry between information in the hands of taxpayers and information held by the tax authorities. This divergence makes applying and complying with the arm’ s length principle less straightforward, favouring instead the realization of aggressive tax planning scheme.
