Conto Economico, Eliminazione della Sezione Straordinaria: Profili Fiscali

Una delle novità più rilevanti introdotte dal D.Lgs. n. 139 del 2015 in materia di bilanci è rappresentata dall’eliminazione della sezione straordinaria dal Conto economico.
Con particolare riguardo a tale novità, qual è il rapporto tra la disciplina civilistica e la disciplina fiscale nei bilanci?
Il tema sarà oggetto di approfondimento nel corso dell’VIII Forum Bilancio 2017, organizzato dalla Scuola di Formazione IPSOA del Gruppo Wolters Kluwer con ANDAF, in programma a Milano il 14 febbraio 2017.


BEPS and Emerging Economies. How Global Is the BEPS Project?

Pubblicato su: IAFEI Quarterly 35th Issue

The international tax system is undergoing complete renovation. Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) is the evil that must be curbed, reduced, most desirably totally eradicated on a worldwide scale.
To this end, the OECD and the G20 crafted the BEPS Project, launched in 2013 with the OECD’s report “Addressing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting”. It targets identified deficiencies in national and international tax rules leaving room for loopholes and mismatches.
These are exploited through aggressive tax planning by taxpayers wishing to minimize their tax burden with the (obvious) consequence that countries’ taxable bases are minimized as well.

Scarica (In Inglese)

Tax Rulings and Advance Pricing Agreements in Italy

Pubblicato su: Tax Notes Int'l, Jan 30 2017

Tax rulings and advance pricing agreements are making headlines. The European Commission is undertaking unprecedented investigations into member states’ APAs with multinationals and has recently invalidated several of them based on fiscal state aid law. The directive on mandatory automatic exchange of information (AEOI) in the field of taxation has recently been extended to advance cross-border rulings and APAs.

Scarica (In Inglese)