Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards 2016

Lawyer Monthly is pleased to announce the publication of the 2016 Women in Law Awards.
The Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards celebrate and highlight the achievements of women in the legal profession across the globe.

As a result of several months of research and preparation, the Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Awards reward female legal experts that have influenced the wider legal profession in their jurisdiction. The winners include all areas of the legal profession from high achieving junior associates to long serving barristers. 

Each vote was compared against a strict set of measurable criteria in order to produce a list of finalists and the eventual winners. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our winners and finalists, and thank everyone who voted.


US Model Income Tax Convention and the Fight Against Tax Evasion

A distanza di 10 anni dalla precedente, il 17 febbraio 2016 è stata pubblicata la versione aggiornata al 2016 del Modello USA di Convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni. Essa include, principalmente, disposizioni il cui obiettivo è di dare attuazione alla consolidata politica dell’Amministrazione finanziaria statunitense secondo la quale i trattati fiscali dovrebbero risolvere i problemi di doppia imposizione, senza dare tuttavia adito ai tanto contrastati fenomeni di evasione ed elusione fiscale. Ciò, in linea con le indicazioni OCSE fornite nel contesto del Progetto BEPS.

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Towards a Fair and Efficient Tax System?

Organised by the Malta Institute of Taxation under the Patronage of Hon. Minister for Finance and Hon. Shadow Minister for Finance

The high caliber foreign guest speakers will include prof. Piergiorgio Valente, the Confederation Fiscale Europeenne (CFE) Chairman of the Fiscal Committee and Professor of EU Tax Law at the Link Campus University in Rome.  
Prof. Valente will use this Conference as a platform to provide a deep insight into the new Institutional Tax Framework within the EU.

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